Ancient Grain Pasta Flour
“Ancient Grains” refers to a group of cereal grains that have been in existence for a very long time (in some cases, thousands of years), and whose growing process has never been modified or altered. Barley - a heart-healthy food, high in soluble fiber - and Spelt - known for its soft texture, nutty flavor, and golden color, are two such “ancient” grains. Here, we blend them with our Hard Red Wheat bread flour to produce a stone-milled, high-extraction, high-gluten, bread flour with a little something extra.
Ingredients: Durum Flour, Soft White Wheat Flour and Barley Flour
Source: Thrall Family Farm, CT & NH, Oechsner Farm, NY Breathe Deep, NY
Ways to Use Ancient Grains Pasta Flour: Pasta, Pizza, Etc.