3-ingredient Chapati  (Traditional Indian Flatbread)

3-ingredient Chapati (Traditional Indian Flatbread)

Nov 08, 2023Ground Up


by Deb Bernardini, owner of Forno 413 


  • 2 cups Ground Up Whole Wheat Flour
  • ¾ cup warm water (warmer than your body temperature, but not boiling) + additional 2 Tbsp
  • 2-3 Tbsp Ghee or clarified butter
  • ¼ tsp fine sea salt (optional)
  • 1-2 Tbsp vegetable oil (optional)


Make the Dough

  1. Add flour to a wide bowl. Make a well in the center and add water, plus sea salt and oil if using. Use a fork to begin to incorporate the flour. As it comes together, switch to a kneading process with your hands. Knead until a smooth, soft dough forms, about two minutes. If the dough is dry, you can carefully add more water by splashing a bit more from the additional supply, but don’t overhydrate. 
  2. Once you have a smooth dough, shape it into a ball, splash some more water over the surface and transfer it to a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for at least 30 minutes and up to 2 hrs at room temperature. 

Make the Chapati

  1. After the dough has rested, remove it from the bowl and knead it gently for a few minutes. It should not be sticky at this point. 
  2. Divide the dough into 8 equal portions, and shape each piece into a smooth ball. Return each ball to a bowl or plate covered with plastic wrap to keep them from drying out. 
  3. Working one ball at a time, slightly flatten the ball. Dip both sides into flour, then shake off excess flour. Transfer to a smooth surface and with a rolling pin, begin to roll out the dough. Rotate the dough clockwise as you roll, stopping to make sure it is not sticking to the surface. Continue rolling until you have a 7-8” disc. Tap off the excess flour and transfer it to a plate. 
  4. Repeat the process of rolling until you have four discs. (Leave the unrolled dough balls covered for now). 
  5. Heat a cast iron skillet or heavy non-stick pan until hot but not to the point of burning. You are aiming for an even, medium heat here. Transfer one rolled disc to the hot pan

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