Our Bakery

As Millers, we have dreamed of and now built a bakery and a classroom-style test kitchen in our space.

Our goals for this space are simple: Discover new things. Share bread. Build community. We hope you'll join us in this incredible venture—take a class, learn a new skill, buy our baked goods and explore the world of grains with us.

Shop the Bakery

Visit the Supply Train Bakeshop starting in April 2025.
Stock your store or cafe with our delicious and nutritious baked goods
Join us for an afternoon or evening of fun and baking at our Holyoke Mill
Enjoy the best that New England grains have to offer by shopping our full store
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Interested in Wholesale?

Our breads, fresh pasta, and baked goods are all created in-house and baked daily.

If you would like to carry our products in you shop or use them in your restaurant, we’d love to work with you. For orders over $ we can deliver in our electric van free of charge.

Local Western MA Folks:

Join the Bread Club!

Experience artisanal baking at its finest with our 6-week, CSA-Style Sourdough subscription, providing fresh, delicious bread and treats to you every week.

Board the Supply Train

Coming to Holyoke April 2025!

Starting in April, you’ll find us selling baked goods outside our 4 North Bridge St. Mill location.

Flour Power

While most people overlook everyday ingredients like flour, we're passionate about exploring the world of grains grown in the Northeast.

Each grain and the way it's processed opens up new possibilities for flavor and function. With our new bakery, we can now follow the journey of each grain from start to finish.

From Seedling to Savoring

Every summer we walk the farmer's fields. We understand the crop's characteristics—like yield per acre and protein percent.

Our bakery's true mission is to explore and discover the possibilities of these grains. Learn more about the passion behind our product and our connection with the communities who grow our grain.

Join Us for One of Our Bakery Classes 🍞Available for Wholesale 🚐
Join Us for One of Our Bakery Classes 🍞Available for Wholesale 🚐