
This deep, dark loaf adapted from the french bakery Poilâne's recipe uses Ground Up Danko Rye to give it both a rich color and flavor.

When Asparagus, known as Hadley grass here in the Connecticut Rive Valley, is in season, you have to indulge it as often as you can. This recipe features asparagus and an all-butter crust made with Ground Up All-Purpose Flour.

Get all the benefits of barley with yummy pancakes made with Ground Up Barley Flour. Our barley is grown by the farmers at Seneca Grain and Bean in the Finger Lakes Region of New York. It’s the same barley we malt in our malt house, but as a flour, we remove the husk and mill it finely in our stone-mill before the malting process begins.

If you have ever really wanted to understand sourdough, this recipe, with a blend of Ground Up Bread and All-Purpose Flours, will help you on your way to learning the art of bread making.

This twist on a classic gives you another way to use that summer corn and features Ground Up Organic Cornmeal.